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Today we all live in the depths of consumerist age, whether we like it or not. Capitalist culture has made “new” appear as necessity regardless of its purpose, and created non-existent problems in order to sell solutions. In our current culture, we have grown numb to the advertisements and product placements that we are constantly surrounded by; arguably we have become dependent on being told what is new, and therefore what new products we “need” in order to feel validated. Constant consumption of the low quality has led to a culture of seeking comfort in buying useless machines and pointless pieces of plastic. f-UTILITY acts as a comment on how Western civilisation has been sustained on what is effectively propaganda, which markets false lifestyle aspirations alongside non-innovative innovations. In the process I have drawn inspiration from Western capitalist product marketing from the age of Reaganomics, Soviet propaganda art, low quality imagery and the Japanese art of Chindogu (the creation of useless inventions). Fashion plays a huge role in our current era of consumerism, and with this body of work I aim to create an air of cynicism around the bright colours, promotions and unrealistic aspirations that are used to sell the futile

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